Lets Go to China

This is the log of our Adoption trip to China with Dave and Grace, Betty (Grace's mom) and Jim (Dave's dad). We are going to pick up our two twin daughters Alicia Mei Ping and Olivia Mei An.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Day 3 - Nei how, weish yu wir heeyr!

The following message is for our sponsors: SEND MONEY... LOTS OF MONEY! I have found a new addiction and its called "Barganing"! You can buy almost anything for next to nothing - that is until you run out of money. Hey Pastor Mike, I can get you a fancy jade studded Teak Pulpit for the price of a Big Mac! (send money in small non-consecutive unmarked bills). This is a picture of the biggest shopping street called "Wungfujing Street". Department stores and side markets - it would take you over 30 minutes to walk to the end (with no stopping to look!)

"Ohhhhh!" "Ahhhh!" says Mom & Grace. Hey Lady, you like a Pashmina scarf? Hey nice lady you like chinese dress? Hey Lady, You want silk suit? Hey Grandma you take me home with you." Mom made off with 11 yards of silk for about $95 and dad got 2 silk shirts for about $35. So Auntie Pat, have you decided what colour you want yet?

While Jai shows off some of the wares, David bargained for almost an hour for 2 jackets. The girl was very good, but she met her match with David! Hey Simon, we got the jacket for half what you expected! "Hey Lady, you husband is strong man! very good bargainer! "
This is the oldest Roman Catholic Church in Beijing. It is located on Wangfujing Street. I guess you can confess your sins of over shopping when you run out of money.

Guess what - Jai ran out of money...

(note to self: you need pennance money for the priest to hear your confessions)

(note to self: don't run out of money)
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