Lets Go to China

This is the log of our Adoption trip to China with Dave and Grace, Betty (Grace's mom) and Jim (Dave's dad). We are going to pick up our two twin daughters Alicia Mei Ping and Olivia Mei An.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Dining out with the Lai girls.

"Hmmm, Grandpa, I think we should order 2 kinds of dumplings, fried rice, sweet and sour shrimp, roasted pork and steamed chicken. Oh this menu is upside down - silly me"
"Hey you with the camera, do you mind? You've been sticking that thing in my face all day! How would you like it if I stuck.... Oh, its you Daddy, uh... goo-goo ga-ga?"
Olivia actually tried some fried rice. I think she was more interested in the green chop sticks. She has some catching up to do with her sister though. Alicia weighed in at about 8.7 kg and Olivia at 7.6 kg. However, Alicia feels alot heavier than the 1.1 kg difference! For an eleven month old Alicia wears 18+ month old clothing. Olivia wears 12 month old clothing and I guess she will also get to wear Alicia's hand me downs!
"Yummy! Fried rice with egg! Great suggestions Alicia!"

Olivia didn't mind trying stuff but Alicia didn't even try the rice. Alicia definitely knows how to indicate "NO" by shaking her head side to side.

"You know mommy that too much rice isn't good for my girlish figure - see daddy, you want to look like that?" Posted by Picasa


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